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A Legacy of Faith, Healing and Peace

Generosity for Generations
Plan A Gift That Leaves A Lasting Impact
There are many ways to contribute to Malvern Retreat House and support its mission for the future. In addition to the methods listed below, you can also give through cash, checks, securities, bequests, gifts of personal property, or real estate. Insurance policies can also be changed to make Malvern a beneficiary.
Additionally, Charitable Remainder Trusts, Lead Trusts and annuities are among the many financial instruments that can be used in a way that is advantageous for the donor as well as the charity. We recommend you see your financial consultant as well as explore the opportunities below to make a planned gift that’s right for you.
Major Gifts
A key component of every Development Program is major gifts. We know that some Men or Women of Malvern have been more financially blessed than others. We also know that many people would be open to making a major gift to Malvern if they are personally asked to do so. At Malvern, we are confident we can show a prospective major gift donor how his or her gift to Malvern can make a difference in changing peoples’ lives for the better.
If you know someone who is capable of making a major gift to Malvern, contact Jim Catrambone at 484-321-2531 or email jcatrambone@malvernretreat.com.

Matching Gifts
Malvern Retreat House is a non-profit charity and, as such, is eligible to receive matching gift funds. If your company has a matching gift program, please consider making a matching gift. Simply send a copy of the matching gift form from your company, along with your check, to the Development Office at Malvern. We will acknowledge receipt of your gift by completing your matching gift form. This is a unique way for you to double your gift to Malvern Retreat House, helping us to enhance our mission for the future.
For more information, contact Martha Quintana at 484-321-2544 or email mquintana@malvernretreat.com.

Remembering Malvern In Your Will
A bequest to Malvern Retreat House is a noble and lasting gift. The Good Shepherd Club has been established to memorialize members and spouses who have included Malvern Retreat House in their will or estate plan. They have chosen to say “Thank you” for a lifetime of spiritual gifts received at the feet of Christ in the hills of Malvern Retreat House. Good Shepherd Club names are engraved on a plaque in Lower McShain Hall. Special Malvern Good Shepherd membership pins are sent to all who include Malvern in their Will. More than 175 members have chosen to do so, and we are grateful.
For details, contact Jim Catrambone at 484-321-2531 or email jcatrambone@malvernretreat.com.
Gifts of Stock
In addition to these options, Malvern Retreat House has set up a brokerage account to accept gifts of stock. Members with securities may carefully consider the tax advantage of gifting stock to Malvern Retreat House. One can deduct the fully appreciated amount of the gift and avoid paying for capital gains by giving shares to Malvern Retreat House or any charitable organization.