Rekindle The Fire – 2025 WITH KATHLEEN MCCARTHY
Friday, Feb 7, 2025 - Sunday, Feb 9, 2025
4:00 pm - 12:00 pm
Malvern Retreat House
McShain-Horstmann Family Life Center
315 S. Warren Avenue
Retreat Director and Speakers Kathleen McCarthy Msgr Stephen McHenry
$255.00 Double Occupancy - per Person
$295.00 Single Occupancy
The Family Life Center is now full. New registrants will be roomed in Corrigan Hall in single rooms/shared hall restrooms for $255.00
Retreat Directors and Speakers
Retreat Director
Kathleen McCarthy

Kathleen McCarthy is President of In His Sign Catholic Radio Network, a Retreat Director, and Published Author. Her current books are titled In The Silence of My Heart. These writings, spanning over ten years of prophetic locutions, have received the Imprimatur and Nihil Obstat of the Catholic Church. Kathleen is also a world-renowned Catholic Evangelist and has led a healing Apostolate for over four decades. Her message is focused on the “Fire of the Holy Spirit” and the Real Presence of Our Lord in the Holy Eucharist. Kathleen has dynamic gifts of Preaching, Teaching, Healing, and of bringing the Sacred Scriptures to life through her story-telling. Kathleen has been hosting a daily radio program for close to two decades which can be seen live on Facebook as well.
Retreat Director
Msgr Stephen McHenry

Msgr. McHenry received his B.A. degree (Philosophy) from Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary in 1969, his M.A. (Philosophy) from Villanova University in 1972, and his M. Div. (Theology) from Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary in 1973. He completed his doctoral studies (Theology) in April 1983, receiving his Ph.D. from Fordham University.
Msgr. McHenry has served as an Assistant Pastor, a Religion Teacher and School Minister in the archdiocesan high school apostolate, and in central administration for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. He was appointed as Assistant to the Vicar for Catholic Education in 1985 with responsibility for all aspects of Religious Education. In 1988, he was appointed Vicar for Catholic Education in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. In 2023 Msgr. McHenry retired as Pastor of Saint Anthony of Padua Parish in Ambler, PA.
Throughout the years of his priesthood, Msgr. McHenry has led Retreats as well as given talks and lectures both to parent and student groups. He has been involved with the spiritual formation of the men studying for the Permanent Diaconate and the formation of teachers for Archdiocesan schools and CCD programs. He has been actively involved as a Spiritual Director. He taught for ten years in the Religious Studies Program at the Seminary. He also taught for ten years as Adjunct Professor of Homiletics in the Pastoral Theology Department at the Seminary, conducting the homiletics practicum course. Preaching the Lord’s Word is his great love.
Monsignor McHenry’s radio show is called “Companions on the Journey” and is typically broadcast on “In His Sign Catholic Radio” station. You can usually find it airing between 4pm and 5pm.