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A Legacy of Faith, Healing and Peace

St. Joseph The Worker Medal
Honoring Outstanding Community Members
Each year, Malvern Retreat House awards the St. Joseph the Worker Medal to individuals of both high professional standard and significant achievement who are guided by a strong moral compass that reflects Catholic faith. We thank each recipient for their spiritual guidance and continued loyalty to Malvern Retreat House.
Winners are honored at an event that takes place at the end of each year. Look out for upcoming information on this year’s award ceremony.

Recent Recipients
Fr. Stephen DeLacy, Gloria Coyne, Jason Cannon
Jacqueline Delaney, Ray Walheim and Jeff Cavins
Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, Barbara Henkels, Sean Flanagan
Samuel W. Chairs, Kathleen McCarthy, Joseph F. Petrongolo, Sr, David P. White
Leah Darrow, James Fitzsimmons, Barbara Martino & Rocco Martino
Lou Baldwin, Martie Gillin, James Nolen III & Bob Sims
James Foley & Sr. Pauline McShain
Msgr. Richard Bolger, Joseph O’Donnell & Rosalie M. Mirenda
John Smithson & George Weigel