Malvern Retreat House Night of Awards
August 22, 2023
On Thursday August 10, Malvern Retreat House celebrated its thirty-first Night of Awards commemorating milestone achievements among retreatants and honoring colleagues and staff. Malvern Retreat House “honored a very special group of men and women,” noted Michael Norton, President of Malvern Retreat House. He went on to note that, “All of our honorees follow our Lord’s call to serve rather than be served.”
Mr. Timothy M. Yessman, who received the John J. Ferrick Award, offered remarks on this auspicious occasion which perfectly crystallized Malvern’s purpose.
“Come as you are. My welcome sign at this retreat house, yours too and the welcome sign for the countless number of men, women and children who have entered upon this sacred and holy ground for over a hundred years. It is the same beckoning that our Lord made to Simon on the shoreline so he could become Saint Peter. Come Simon as you are, fisherman, husband, brother and by your own admission, a sinner.”
Malvern not only welcomes people to encounter Christ on these sacred grounds, but Malvern challenges people to be transformed by this experience. Mr. Yessman observed, “It is my fervent prayer that my favorite sign located on the road to St. Josph’s Hall and Chapel welcomes and challenges many more during the century that lies ahead of us. Please join me in that prayer and let us work together to make that happen.”
Malvern’s Thirty-First Annual Night of Awards certainly recognized men and women who came “as they are” but who have also been transformed by Malvern so as to give back to our community. The honors included recognition for Malvern associates and retreats alike, starting with men who have achieved a particularly special milestone.
Seventeen men who have been going on retreat at Malvern for fifty years! These men have traveled to Malvern every year since 1973 for their annual retreat. Their dedication to Malvern and their Catholic faith is inspiring. To recognize this achievement, these honorees received the Distinguished Achievement Award for Fifty Years presented by David White. Awardees included: Richard H. Bolt (LJ Ferdinand), John P Buggy (Holy Family), Fincent J. Colianni (Prosit), Mark J. Des Marais (Palm Sund), Joseph V. Duff (Nativity BVM), John B. Fischer (Ave Maria), John Galati, Jr. (Caenaculum), Robert J. Humbert, Sr. (Six-Three), Paul E. Kane (Six-Three), William J. Keenan (Thanksgiving IHM), Michael J. Lynagh (St. Jospeh), Edward G. Marzen (Our Lady of Perpetual Help), Brian M. McCarthy, Sr. (Most Blessed Sacrement), David G. Rash (Archbishop Fitzmaurice), G. Treacy Sommer (St. Jospeh), Joseph A. Stephano (Pope Pius XII) and Frank J. Turchi (Six-Three).
The Chairman’s Award, presented by James R. Molinari, was given to: Francis J. McMullin, Jr. (Nativity BVM), Jerry Tadley (Holy Spirit), Paul Tresca (Immaculate Conception) and Stephen Vito (St. Pous X). The Chairman’s Award is given in recognition of contributions made by retreatants and friends of Malvern that have benefited the League and in the judgement of the Chair are deserving of special honor by the League.
The Kathleen M. Perri Award is given to a Malvern Retreat House associate in recognition of an unselfish effort to bring services to retreatants and to the retreat house in various activities. Michael Norton presented the 2023 Kathleen M. Perri awarded to Stephen Cappelli.
The John J. Sullivan Award, also presented by Michael Norton, was given to Richard Coster (Chester County), John Galati, Jr. (Caenaculum), Matt Kohlmayer (Matt Talbot #57), Charles J. Pinnelli (Caenaculum), Rocco L. Rinaldi (Caenaculum), Richard A. Tate (St. Pius X) and Michelle White (Divine Mercy.) The John J. Sullivan Award is presented to the Men and Women of Malvern who have been recommended by their captains or the Retreat Committee in recognition of their outstanding contributions to the success of their groups through their personal leadership and dedication in recruiting men and women to Malvern.
The Outstanding Service Award is given in recognition of special people for their unique contribution to Malvern Retreat House programs and events. Michael Norton Presented the 2023 Outstanding Service Award to Marty Rotella, Kara Tabella and Jason Wood.
The Joseph F. O’Donnell CA Captains Hall of Fame Award went to John. J. Harhart (Our Lady of Perpetual Help) and Jospeh M. Nardi III (Epiphany). This honor is given to a C.A. Captain whose retreat group, under his or her leadership, has consistently attained high levels of attendance, financial support, good conduct on retreat, good group organization and cooperation with the League.
The John J. Ferreck Award is given in recognition of an exceptional contribution to the League in both a physical and financial matter that benefits the League’s appreciation of such service. This year, the John J. Ferreck Award was given to Timothy M. Yessman.
The William M. Lennox Award was awarded to John Cattie. The William M. Lennox Award is given in recognition of long-time service to the League, involvement in recruiting, in League administration, projects or standing committees, service to the League in several different areas and person possessing high ethical and moral standards.”