Ann Koshute
February 1, 2019
Ann M. Koshute, M.T.S. holds a Master of Theological Studies from the Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family at the Catholic University of America. While studying at the JP II, Ann and her classmates founded Theophany Catholic Theatre Company to perform the plays and poetry of Karol Wojtyła /John Paul II, including at World Youth Day in Cologne, Germany. Following graduation Ann served as Assistant Director of the Family Life Office for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, assisting couples in preparing for marriage. Ann is currently Adjunct Instructor at St. Joseph’s College of Maine, where she teaches theology online. She is a writer and speaker, and recently co-founded an apostolate dedicated to offering support for women and couples bearing the cross of infertility ( Ann is a columnist for The Eastern Catholic Life, the official publication of the Byzantine Catholic Eparchy of Passaic. She and her husband Keith live in Palmyra, PA.