
Karen Wingard and Pam Knott

January 6, 2025

Karen Wingard

While Bill is recovering from health issues, Karen Wingard and Pam Knott have been filling in for him.

Bill Wingard is the original Shroud Talks presenter since 2014 and has given over 100 talks on the Shroud of Turin. Back in 1982, he heard an early Shroud presentation made by a member of the 1978 Sturp scientific team. According to his wife Karen, Bill’s blow by blow detailed recount to her was even better than the talk she was able to hear a year later.  When Bill decided to begin giving talks on the Shroud of Turin, she learned its history and message along with him and has accompanied him for most of his 100+ presentations.

Bill and Karen have been married for 44 years and have raised 5 children. She has a background in accounting, has homeschooled their children, taught at the Baltimore County community college, and earned a master’s in theology from the Augustine Institute. They currently live in Shrewsbury, PA.  


Mary Pamela Knott

Graduate of the University of Notre Dame of Maryland with a BA in Education, she taught every level of pre-school through 8th grade. Her biography is a journey in faith. A cradle Catholic, God drew her closer when her parents divorced when she was fifteen. Mary, as she prefers to be called, married her high school sweetheart in her senior year of college. Challenged with infertility for 8 years, Mary submitted to God’s holy will and adopted a beautiful son. For her, it was the first of many surrenders. Following 7 months in bed and a difficult forceps delivery, Mary’s second son was born dead. After fervent pleas to Heaven, the baby revived and was healthy. Overjoyed Mary and her husband were blessed with 3 more children. A Real Estate broker, self-employed for many years, Mary loves finding the right home for families, especially those with limited finances. Her greatest challenge was learning to trust God implicitly when faced with stage 3 cancer and a poor prognosis when their youngest child was 9 months old. The gratitude to the Holy Trinity for sparing her life led her to the Shroud. Ever since Mary saw Jesus’ face from the Shroud decades ago, she has loved it and wanted to share Jesus with you today.

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