
Michael Skinner

November 5, 2018

Michael Skinner is the founder of Gratia Reflections and the author of Men of Virtue Rosary, a special Marian devotion designed for men and their families. Inspired at Malvern during the 2016 Our Lady of Fatima retreat, Men of Virtue – and its motto “There has never been a greater need for good men!” – debuted at the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen in Baltimore on the Feast Day of Our Lady of Victory. Since then, Men of Virtue has grown in popularity across the world, and has been featured in the Catholic Review, on Radio Maria USA, and at Mount Saint Mary’s University. In 2017, during the centennial year of the Fatima apparitions, Michael was invited to share his testimony and the story behind Men of Virtue on the Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN), the largest religious media network in the world with a reach of 250 million households. Today, the Men of Virtue podcast (available on iTunes and Google Podcasts) has been downloaded in 40 countries across the world and in 48 states in the U.S. Michael is blessed with his wife of 25 years and their three wonderful boys, and is inspired by Saint John Paul II’s declaration, “The future of humanity passes by way of the family.”

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